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C-Brace for the Win

I don’t have my first difficult steps with crutches on video as I learned to use the C-Brace, but the clip below is just a few hours later as I showed my family my robotic leg. Since then I have gotten much smoother although the swagger was kind of awesome. The next two videos show some of what I can do today in my C-Brace – full body workouts, and walking on the beach with my family.

Two years to the day after compartment syndrome went undiagnosed and paralyzed my leg leaving me unable to walk and in a wheelchair – I received my C-Brace from Ottobock.

After trialing numerous braces and exoskeletons, and going through a high-tech fitting and calibration process with Ottobock I walked out of my orthotist’s office with a new leg. It was an incredible feeling to walk up to our home and know that the C-Brace was going to restore my mobility and life with my family. My children gathered around in awe as I walked with a normal gait across our porch. They had grown used to their mama rolling in a wheelchair, swinging on crutches, or hiking a full fixed leg brace from the hip like a pirate.

Ottobock describes the C-Brace as a microprocessor-controlled leg orthosis that responds to everyday movements and situations in real-time. This helps ensure the safety, stability, and confidence in user’s everyday lives. The C-Brace allows people with paralysis in their legs to walk on uneven terrain, go up and down slopes and inclines, and take the stairs one foot at a time, step-over-step. C-Brace users can enjoy activities with their families and friends, and experience life in a completely new way. Or as my kids say, “My has a robot leg and she can do stuff with us again!”

Friends, many of you have asked me to share more about what my challenges have been after my leg was paralyzed, how the old-school braces I have been using feel, and how the C-Brace works. This short video is an awesome look at all of that!

So you ask what can I personally do in my C-Brace?

Wear it all day long comfortably? Yes!

Walk with a normal gate? You bet!

Hike up and down uneven terrain? Yep!

Squat and lift weights? Sure can!

Walk on sand? For sure!

Stand for long periods of time? Yup!

Ride a bike? Yes!

Do yoga? Yay!

Move between different activities with the same brace? Definetly!

Ditch the wheelchair? Yep!

Sit down and stand up gracefully? Yup!

Go crutchless? For sure!

Wear shoes that I like? You bet!

Stop worrying about falling in public? Yay!

Get asked daily if I feel like Ironman? Sure do 🙂

This journey has not been easy, but I’m thankful to celebrate such a life-changing milestone with you, and I will continue to share my activities and accomplishments in the C-Brace.

My next post will share about another activity that the C-Brace has empowered me to resume – upright cycling. As many of you know Challenged Athletes Foundation set me up with a hand-cycle to use and upon getting the C-Brace they gave me a grant to get an e-cycle that I use daily to bike with my family. I can’t wait to share more with you…