Dear Pastor,
The world is living in fear of a virus, and so under the leadership of our governor the health department of our state said that if we were to meet for fellowship we had to wear masks, sit six feet apart, cease singing… the list of his restrictions went on.
You said that we would not do church until we could do it our way. Until it wasn’t a bummer.
So we stayed in our homes and watched worship and our pastors on a screen.
But now the state has mandated that you close your doors again. He has said it is too dangerous to gather inside a building and project sound from our mouths which could carry germs to our neighbor.
The ruling power of this state has even forbid two or more to gather in Jesus name, or any other god’s name, within their own home.
Our government has commanded that God’s praises only be lifted up outdoors.
You our pastor said that we should obey the government (even though God is the only power we owe obedience to.) You said the church would remain closed until the ruling authorities say it is safe to resume. You told us that halfway through the book of Acts the early church was still meeting in homes. Now that is no longer allowed in the state of California either.
So what now? Respect or compliance can be given to the government, but we do not obey them. The only power the government has is the power that we give to them because they exist to serve us. The Declaration of Independence penned by Thomas Jefferson was composed based on the philosophy of Natural Rights described by John Locke.
Locke wrote that we are all equal because we are given rights by God that can never be taken or even given away. These rights include life, liberty, and property. Locke believed the most fundamental law of human nature is the preservation of mankind which means individuals don’t just have a right but they have a DUTY to preserve their own lives.
When Locke wrote of property he was referring to more than just land or goods, he was referring to our most precious possession – ownership of one’s self. That ownership is something the government can never take away even if they punish someone to the point of death, and that ownership includes the right to personal well-being.
You have taught us that Christ is our life; in Him we live, move, and have our being. You have taught us that the church is the body of Christ, and each member is essential to the whole body. You have taught us to trust in God’s plan for our well-being over the world’s.
There is physical fear over a virus, but you know that what happens to our souls far outweighs what happens to our bodies. On top of that our county and our country is suffering amidst mental health crisis, drug addiction, broken homes and so much more that threatens our well-being. Our family has witnessed firsthand how this pandemic is heightening these risks and the tragic consequences. The church is equipped to combat these dangers in Christ’s redeeming power.
So how can we preserve our lives if we refuse to live as Christ created us to live – as his body, his church? The government that is now telling us we cannot enter a church building is the same government that was founded on the principle that our liberty is so essential that the right to it cannot even be freely given away.
Our right to live and worship in the spirit, our right to gather with the body of Christ, cannot be nullified even if we hand it over.
This government that you tell us to obey is the same government that was founded by brave fathers who rebelled against tyranny, feared the reign of a new breed of tyrant, and established that the purpose of the government they created was to secure and protect the God-given, inalienable rights of the people.
The Constitutional Rights Foundation describes that, “For their part, the people must obey the laws of their rulers. Thus, a sort of contract exists between the rulers and the ruled. But, Locke concluded, if a government persecutes its people with “a long train of abuses” over an extended period, the people have the right to resist that government, alter or abolish it, and create a new political system.”
I understand that you want to respect our community and obey laws. The emergency order that denies us the opportunity to meet within the walls of our church is not a law, and it provides us with a way to both honor it and honor God.
The emergency order currently includes guidance that allows for religious and cultural ceremonies as long as they are held outdoors and follow social distancing guidelines. It also allows for protests under the same guidance.
You have one of the largest outdoor campuses that I have seen in our county. It is already wired for audio as you projected the sermons throughout it on Sundays. You have a large staff that can set up chairs outdoors, and you have various events throughout the year where the church gathers outdoors on the campus and most people stand throughout the service.
The government has called us to take God’s praises outdoors.
Let’s let our worship reach to the heavens, let’s have your words of teaching ring out to San Diego county.
What man meant for evil, God will use for good. If Governor Newsom closes the church’s doors then the church will leave the building and all will be able to hear the sounds of worship and wisdom.
This movement is already happening. Sunday night 5,000 beleivers gathered on the beach, dancing, singing, praying, and shouting to the Lord. Local police were there not to disperse but to protect each citizen’s religious freedom and right to protest the gates of heaven and hell.
If you are concerned that things will get out of hand, that too many people will crowd onto your campus, and city officials will be concerned about the numbers or social distancing, then maybe you should file for a permit to make these church services a protest.
Our governor has stated, “Protestors you matter. God bless you. Keep doing it” and permits are being granted to protect those who gather to protest against injustice.
The church has already left the building.
Christ’s body is singing in the streets and gathering on the beach. The faithful will not be silenced. We are worshiping and resisting. We will obey just laws, but when there is a “long train of abuses” by the public servants we elected then peaceful noncompliance is our duty.
The good news is that not a letter of the current CA health department guidance needs to be ignored in order to use the outdoor campus and resources that God has provided to our church and placed under your leadership.
Will you make a joyful noise? Will you dance upon injustice? Will you make known the manifold wisdom of God and the mystery of the gospel?
We are commanded by God “not to give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
I have seen the small churches huddled under tents in parking lots, I have seen thousands gather in the Father’s name on the sand, just like they did in Jesus day. Will you welcome us back together as a body of believers and seekers on your church’s beautiful outdoor campus?
As you know persecution is no match for God’s power. In the face of suffering revival is happening – will you be part of it?
We don’t know the day or the hour, and I believe we were specifically born for a time such as this. Will He find us faithful?
With love and respect in Christ,
Sharon McKeeman
- For those who would like to express similar sentiments to your church here is a link to an editable Word doc that you can download, edit, and send to your pastor.
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yl6kkj0kuvni3k2j5nrww/Open-Letter-to-a-Closed-Church.docx?dl=0&rlkey=90lv2kxm10e2cgvw70z6ij8l3
- If you repost my letter online please do so by posting my blog or social media post. If you post your edited letter please link to me so that others can see my initial letter and download the letter template.