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making the best of it

We have a tiny yard, at the home we don’t own, that we live in, right by the beach.

It has a chain link fence, that I hate.

I’m trying to see more of the beauty, less of the discontent, fear, regret.

I’m trying to not just make the best of things, but truly see the best. See the beauty that I would miss if I was elsewhere. Because discontent is blinding.

So we played in our postage stamp back yard by the fence I am always wishing was tall and wooden and covered with bougainvillea. The fence that would come with a mortgage and less time and opportunities to live as freely as we are right now, just soaking in the love of our three little boys. I want to give them the same fireplace to gather round each Christmas, and trees to nail up treehouses in, but they need more the wild soil and sand and sea. And I hope we are right in what we are doing, how we live each day is a decision, there is no middle ground.

So we played by that hated chain link fence, and I let myself accept it, love it enough to watch the light dance through. Just me and him, the last magic light and gratitude. And the pictures that came surprised me, beautiful patterns I could create no other way.


“Anyone that’s making anything new only breaks something else.”      – from When My Time Comes by Dawes


( and yes to keep it real – after frolicking in the magic light baby was done and ready for dinner in an instant, thus the last picture haha )

6-25-2013 . 5D . 35mm . VSCO2 Portra 400NC++ tweaked