I hoped I had heard the promise. I needed a rainbow. Searched the heavens for it but couldn’t actually see anything. Nothing to hold onto except that whisper saying He would give him to me. Was it a promise or was I just going crazy?
I had lost my precious baby and two months later I had the hope of another inside. Too weak and sick to play or dance with my children, barely hanging onto hope… I drew my rainbow. I couldn’t dwell in all the fear and sadness so I sketched it out, girls full of life and color, dancing the dreams that had once been real to me. It used to be easy to believe – I would grow up, have babies, magically turn into the woman I wanted to be. Now everything seemed crumbling down around me. I shut out the panic howling at the door and spread bits of color round the room. Each day he would come home from work. lean over my shoulder, leave a kiss and look. The kids brightened to see this whimsy, mom happy enough to indulge in creating.
Now my rainbow runs and plays, sparkling light too brilliant to contain but very very real. Real and here and yes it was a promise. I put the drawings away, their colors no longer scandalous, dimming in comparison to our baby’s new life.
The special company that I ordered the announcement of his birth from, his safe arrival. They are looking for art to hang in nurseries, over cribs of other precious little promises, new miracles. And this art will help keep moms and babies around the world safe and healthy – it feels full circle. So I pull the drawings out and hope that they can find a place in this community. You can vote for each of them here. (After you click on the link you can scroll down and click on each ballerina individually and click the rating button on the right side) If you don’t already have an account you can sign up through this link and get $25 for FREE to spend on the site! Thank you so much for your support and now you know these little ballerina’s story!