School days at home with my boys look different than I ever could have imagined.
I have to admit that many mornings we never make it out of our PJ’s.
Around 10am, right when we are in the thick of things the baby likes to have a gnarly meltdown.
Daily there is something I don’t know how to explain, something that tries my patience, something that makes me feel I am walking a fine line with failure.
in spite of and because of all this…
These school days are filled with golden light, laughter, wonder, high fives, small triumphs and miraculous breakthroughs.
They smell of cookies and science experiments.
They have letters and numbers scrawled in childish handwriting across them, crayons clutched tight.
Learning the wonder that is this world, created by our maker.
Understanding that knowledge is not wisdom, but both can be born in a tree, on the floor or the couch, at the kitchen table or a sandy beach.
Learning how to fly high, learning how to fall softly and get right back up again.
Making spider cookies and backyard volcanoes. Digging up dinosaurs first thing in the morning.
Treasuring the moments that I never pictured would look like this,
crazy perfect.
3-4-2011 . 85mm1.2L
Sue - Love the permanent flipflop imprints on the Cali boy toes and the snuggle bug babe.